1 in 4 adults (25%) will use credit or Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) options over Christmas.
It is estimated that an extra €70,773,300 will be spent over Christmas by people using credit vs. those not.
- Adults in Ireland will spend €955.30 on Christmas food, drink, gifts, and decorations this year.
- 15% of adults tend to use credit (loans or credit card) for Christmas shopping. This number is highest for adults aged 35-44 with 25% usually using credit.
- Adults in Ireland who will use credit over Christmas will spend €1,076.28 on Christmas food, drink, gifts, and decorations this year. This spend is 13% higher for those who will use credit.
- 29% of adults prefer to use physical debit cards when making purchases over Christmas, 21% prefer to use cash, 18% prefer to use Revolut, and 13% prefer to use credit cards.
- 11% of adults have used an instalment plan with no interest in their recent purchases. Of those who have used BNPL options, 51% used Klarna, 21% used Revolut, and 15% used Humm.
- Adults in Ireland who plan to use the BNPL option will spend €833.80 on Christmas food, drink, gifts, and decorations this year.
For more statistics you can visit us at our blog: https://ireachhq.com/blog
About iReach Insights
iReach Insights provides a range of research and market intelligence services in Ireland and Europe. iReach has built a Consumer Decisions Research Panel of 40,000 members in Ireland, delivering robust research insights. The survey questions were included in the Nationally Representative iReach Consumer Decisions Omnibus run between the 5th and 12th of December and has a 3% Confidence Interval and 95% Confidence Level.
Questions asked of adults nationwide:
Q1. How much approximately do you plan to spend on:
Q2. Are you planning on buying gifts this Christmas?
Q3. Do you tend to use credit (loans or credit card) for Christmas Shopping?
Q4. What type of payment method do you prefer when making a purchase this Christmas?
Q5. What type of payment plan do you prefer when making a purchase this Christmas?
Q6. Have you used an instalment plan with no interest in your recent (last few months) purchases?
Q7. Which BNPL (buy now, pay later) provider did you use?
iReach Insights Limited – Temple Hall, Temple Road, Blackrock, CO. Dublin, IRELAND.
iReach Managing Director: Oisin Byrne
T: 01-214 3740 or email: oisin.byrne@ireachhq.com or phone 086 8506364